Monday, 4 February 2008

So far, so good...

Well, I´m waiting near my gate in Terminal 4 of Madrid Barajas Airport for my connection to Dakar. It doesn´t actually leave until 17:55 and so boarding´s not for another 3 hours yet. Hence hitting an internet place to kill time...

Easyjet flight here was fine. The guy next to me tried and failed to assert his big spanish elbows - I wasn´t having any of it. I desperately needed sleep following this morning´s alarm clock disaster that meant I was up, washed and dressed by 2:20am, thinking it was actually 3:20 am - error. Trying to go back to sleep after this was something of a mission and after failing miserably I felt majorly rough for the journey to the airport, after we left at 4am. I don´t really ´do´mornings, and today my body wasn´t either. I blessed home, the car and even Gatwick´s South Terminal with the contents of my stomach. Ick is the word you´re looking for... I can´t tell whether it is in fact the alarm clock error to blame or my malaria tablets which I started yesterday, but either way, it wasn´t a great start to everything. I´m feeling loads better now though and when I landed here in Madrid, the weather was lovely and there was even a rainbow - a good omen I like to think.

I land in Dakar at 21:25 this evening (Senegal is on GMT too) and so should hopefully be with my host family not long after that. I´m quite nervous about meeting them as I have painful visions of my french going awry and accidentally offending my host and her entire family. But I´m sure it´ll be fine. Ish... My orientation should be quite busy this week though so that will be good in terms of meeting the other volunteers and not having time to get homesick/develop culture shock. Hopefully anyway.

More soon hopefully - time running out!

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